Essay Task

Friday, 17 December 2010

Here is a very basic idea of what i want to write about for my essay. Its a very long winded title because im still not sure it's that good.

" I want to look into The Gaze, with elements from both popular culture and the panopticon. This is in reference to the magazine/media culture of today"

With this title i would focus on looking at magazines such as nuts and papers such as The Sun, taking  inspiration from a topic we covered in one of our seminars. This will be interesting to talk about because i can talk about layout design as well as the Gaze which i find interesting. As i said this is work in progress so we shall see. 

The focus will be too look at the male driven idea of women that is still in play today and possibly contrast it against paintings/images from the past to show if and whether the view of women in the media has actually changed at all.

Harvard Referencing and Books for essay.

Berger, J. 1977. Ways of Seeing. London: Penguin Books.
Dotter, R. Bowers, S. 1992. Sexuality, the Female Gaze, and the Arts. Ontorio: Associated University Presses.
Faubion, F.B. 2001. Michel Foucault Power - essential works of Foucault 1954-1984. London: Penguin Books.
Sontag, S. 1979. Susan Sontag on Photography. London: Penguin Books.
Gamman, L. Marshment, M. 1988. The Female Gaze. London: The Women's Press Limited.